How long will it take before I receive my order?

Delivery normally occurs within 3-12 business days from dispatch, depending on your delivery address. We dispatch all orders within 48 hrs. From time to time the delivery of specific items may exceed our usual 3-12 working day delivery window. Delivery times may also vary depending on the products ordered.

Which couriers do you use?

We use Grasshopper, as well as a city-based delivery option for our domestic delivery. Aramex is used for all international deliveries.

I bought multiple items, will they be shipped together? 

Wherever possible we’ll ship your items together. However, if you made different shopping cart purchases we will not be able to ship your items together.

How much does shipping and delivery cost?

You would pay a flat rate of Rs.350 for the first Kg, with every additional Kg being Rs.75 for shipments anywhere in Sri Lanka.
International shipping rates will vary depending on the country and weight.

Do you deliver internationally?

Not right now, but we will be adding the feature online soon.
For any urgent international deliveries get in touch with us so that we could process your request manually.